Mediaeval Baebes Mediaeval Baebes - Swete Jhesu, king of blisse

Jhesu my God, Jhesu my king,
Jhesu my love, Jhesu my light.

Swete Jhesu, king of blisse
Min herte love, min herte lisse,
Thou art swete, mid y-wisse,
Wo is him that thee shal misse.

Swete Jhesu, min herte light,
thou art dai withouten night,
Thou yeve me strengthe and eke might
For to loven thee al right.

Swete Jhesu, my soule bote,
In min herte thou sette a rote
Of thy love that is so swote,
And wite hit that hit springe mote.

Jhesu thy love was o so fre,
That it fro hevene broughte thee,
For love thou dere boughtest me,
For love thou hynge on roode tree

Swete Jhesu herte light,
thou art dai withouten night,
Thou yeve me strengthe and eke might
For to loven thee al right.

Jhesu thy love...
Jhesu thy love...
Jhesu thy love...

Jhesu my God, Jhesu my king,
Jhesu my love, Jhesu my light. (2x)